Step 1: Declare File a Notice of Intent to Pursue Accreditation to learn if the program is eligible. Each program requires a separate application. Fee per program: $500
Step 2: Formal Application Upon confirmation of eligibility, a complete a formal application. Fee per application: $1,950
Step 3: Prepare and Submit Self Study Self Study report is due August 1 or December 1.
Step 4: Schedule Visitation Visits are scheduled during the months of November - April.
Step 5: Visitation Report Visit team sends report to Council within 2 weeks of visit.
Step 6: Program Response Responses to the Visitation Report are due 30 days from receipt of letter from Council.
Step 7: Accreditation Hearing Hearings are scheduled in the fall and spring based on timing of your Visit. All Visit hearings are held remotely.