Annual Progress Report

Submitting an Annual Progress Report providing statistics for the previous academic year, specifying improvements made, reporting any significant changes and reporting on status of the 1.0 series standards and standards 2.05.05, 3.06, 3.07, and the 7.0 series.  Institutions with multiple accredited programs will be required to report on the 7.0 series for each individually accredited program.  

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) performance: The COAPRT Annual Progress Report requires programs to report SLOs from the 7.0 Series. COAPRT expects all programs to demonstrate that student learning outcomes associated with its 7.0 Series Learning Outcomes are met at a 70% level. Therefore, student achievement will be judged as appropriate when 70% or more of the students being assessed demonstrate that they have accomplished the learning outcome. 

Program Performance Outcomes (PPO) performance: COAPRT expects all programs to demonstrate that PPOs are met at a 70% level.