Arkansas Tech University
Department of Parks, Recreation, and Hospitality Administration
Dr. Tracy Cole, Department Head/Professor
1205 N El Paso Ave
105 Williamson Hall
Russellville, AR 72801-8817
(479) 968-0385
The Recreation program was established at Arkansas Tech University in 1965 as part of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER). The first Bachelor of Science degrees in Recreation were conferred in 1966. The Recreation Program was moved out of the HPER Department in 1968. In 2023 the program found a new home in the Department of Agriculture and Tourism. The Recreation and Park Administration Program was first accredited by the Council on Accreditation National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation in 1997. The program was reaccredited in 2002 and 2007, and 2013.
COAPRT Standard 7.01. - Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy.
- Outcome:
Our program utilizes the COAPRT language for our programmatic SLOs. 7.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and of the scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science, and philosophy. 7.01-A Students will demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the services of public and nonprofit recreation and park agencies and the contributions of commercial recreation. 7.01-B Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the profession. 7.01-C Students will demonstrate knowledge of the scientific foundations of the profession.7.01-C Students will demonstrate knowledge of the philosophical foundations of the profession. 7.01-C Students will demonstrate knowledge of historical events that contribute to the foundation of the profession.
- Measure Type:
- Assessment Method:
7.01, A, B, & C are assessed via a variety of methods, including exam questions in RP 1013 (Principles of Recreation and Park Administration), RP 3033 (Entrepreneurship in Experience Industries), RP 3063 (Outdoor Education), and RP 4001 (Senior Seminar).
- Result:
Rates varied across questions used for assessment within the exams and across courses, ranging from 65%-100%. We discussed slight modifications to content delivery, including more high-impact practices, and will discuss assessment at the conclusion of the Spring 2024 semester.
COAPRT Standard 7.02. - Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.
- Outcome:
Our program utilizes the COAPRT language for our programmatic SLOs. 7.02 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity. 7.02-A Students will demonstrate the ability to design recreation programs that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity. 7.02-B Students will demonstrate the ability to design recreation areas and facilities. Site Plan Assignment (RP 3034) Site Plan Assignment Rubric (RP 3034) 70% of students will earn a 70% or higher on Site Plan Assignment Course not offered this fall. Look to change the content of this course and depth of projects and assignments. 7.02-C Students will demonstrate the ability to implement and/or lead recreation programs. 7.02-D Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate leisure services and experiences. 7.02-E Students will demonstrate the ability to use data to improve the quality of services and experiences.
- Measure Type:
- Assessment Method:
7.02, A, B, C, D, and E are assessed via a variety of methods. 7.02-A: Assessed via recreation program plan and rubric (RP 2003) and programming assignment and rubric (RP 4114/4116)
7.02-B: Assessed via site plan assignment and rubric (RP 3034)
7.02-C: Assessed via program implementation (RP 4114), kid festival program (RP 2003), camp stormy program (RP 3063), and leadership program (RP 2033).
7.02-D: Assessed via program implementation (RP 4114), kid festival program (RP 2003), and evaluation and assessment assignment (RP 4023), 7.02-E: Assessed via research project & poster (RP 4023)
- Result:
Rates varied across questions used for assessment within the exams and across courses, ranging from 70%-82%. We discussed slight modifications to content delivery, including more high-impact practices, and will discuss assessment at the conclusion of the Spring 2024 semester.
COAPRT Standard 7.03. - Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions..
- Outcome:
Our program utilizes the COAPRT language for our programmatic SLOs. 7.03 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism, and related professions. 7.03-A Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the principles and procedures of management and/or administration. 7.03-B Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the principles and procedures of infrastructure management. 7.03-C Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the principles and procedures of financial management 7.03-D Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the principles and procedures of Syllabus and course exam (RP 3113) Course Exam Questions (RP 3113) 70% of students will achieve an average score of 70% or higher on questions related to this learning outcome on a course exam 76% (fall) and 79% (spring) of students scored 70% or above on the questions related to this outcome. Continue to monitor. human resource management. 7.03-E Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize the principles and procedures of marketing and/or public relations. 7.03-F Students will demonstrate the ability to apply principles and procedures of management and/or administration. 7.03-G Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the principles and procedures of infrastructure management. 7.03-H Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the principles and procedures of financial management. 7.03-I Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the principles and procedures of human resource management. 7.03-J Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the principles and procedures of marketing and/or public relations.
- Measure Type:
- Assessment Method:
7.03, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J are assessed via a variety of methods. 7.03-A: Course exam questions (RP 4013), comprehensive exam (RP 4001), and management assignment (RP 4116).
7.03-B: Course exam questions (RP 4013 & RP 4063)
7.03-C: Course exam questions (RP 4013) and Comprehensive exam (RP 4001)
7.03-D: Course exam questions (RP 3113) and Comprehensive exam (RP 4001)
7.03-E: Course exam questions (RP 3013) and Comprehensive exam (RP 4001)
7.03-F: Case study (RP 4013) and Management assignments (RP 4114/4116)
7.03-G: Case study simulation project (RP 4063)
7.03-H: Case study (RP 4013), budget assignment (RP 4013)
7.03-I: Various case studies (RP 3113)
7.03-J: Marketing plan (HA 3013)
- Result:
Rates varied across questions used for assessment within the exams and across courses, ranging from 57%-85%. We discussed slight modifications to content delivery, including more high-impact practices, and will discuss assessment at the conclusion of the Spring 2024 semester.
COAPRT Standard 2.05.05
The program annually posts 7.0 series aggregated data and additional evidence reflecting program academic quality and student achievement on their program and/or departmental website. Such information shall be consistent with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements.
COAPRT Standard 3.06
The program has a practice of informing the public about the harm of degree mills and accreditation mills.
COAPRT Standard 3.07
The program has a practice of informing the public about their COAPRT accredited programs.