Program Detail

North Carolina Central University is the nation's first public Historically Black College/University (HBCU). Established in 1949, the Department of Kinesiology and Recreation Administration's Bachelor of Science Program in Recreation Administration, offers a project based, service-learning enhanced curriculum for students who want to work with people, enjoy activity and gain satisfaction in enhancing the quality of life of others. The curricular emphasis is on the professional preparation of students for careers in a variety of recreational settings, such as: municipal, high schools and colleges, professional, athletic, and recreational sport agencies and arenas, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, city parks and recreation, state and national parks, commercial, nonprofit, campus, employee, military agencies, health clubs, fitness centers, and clinical and nonclinical sites. Student majors can choose one of three concentration options: Parks and Recreation Management, Recreational Sport Management (which includes a Business or Sport Coaching minor), and Recreational Therapy.

COAPRT Standard 7.01. - Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy.
  • Outcome:
    Students shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the nature and scope of recreation and leisure services.
  • Measure Type:
  • Assessment Method:
    Students in the Introduction to Practical Experience in Recreation course (RECR2300) completed a practicum at a recreation agency and completed an Agency Analysis Class Project/Presentation assignment.
  • Result:
    For the 2022–2023 academic year, 84% of Recreation Administration Program students (N=19) achieved 70% or higher on the Agency Analysis Class Project/Presentation assignment as assessed by a rubric.
COAPRT Standard 7.02. - Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.
  • Outcome:
    Students will demonstrate the ability to facilitate programs that promote inclusivity.
  • Measure Type:
  • Assessment Method:
    Students in the Introduction to Recreational Therapy (RECR2250) course wrote an Inclusion Program Essay.
  • Result:
    During the 2022–2023 academic year, 96% scored 70% or above on the Inclusive Program Essay assignment. N=25.
COAPRT Standard 7.03. - Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions..
  • Outcome:
    Students graduating from the Recreation Administration Program will be able to describe basic concepts, principles, and procedures related to the management/administration of the recreational agency.
  • Measure Type:
  • Assessment Method:
    The Agency Site Supervisor Final Evaluation Survey of NCCU Recreation Administration Program Student Intern was the method used to assess this standard. The evaluation is a five-point Likert Scale ranging from "Strongly Agree" (5) to "Strongly Disagree" (1). Site supervisors complete the internship evaluation after the student’s internship experience. In addition to the site supervisor’s observations and interactions with the internship student, students submit a comprehensive analysis of the agency’s management and operations. Each agency supervisor evaluates the student intern’s ability to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about the operations and strategic management or administration in parks, recreation, tourism or related professions. The intern’s ability to describe basic concepts, principles, and procedures related to the management/administration of the recreational agency was analyzed.
  • Result:
    During the 2022–2023 academic year, when asked to assess the student intern’s ability to perform fundamental, entry-level and managerial competencies in an Agency Site Supervisor’s final evaluation of the student intern, 100% of student’s site supervisors (N=13) agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: (the internship student had the) “Ability to describe basic concepts, principles, and procedures related to the management/administration of the recreational agency.”