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Call for Nomination At-Large Public Representative

Due March 15, 2021

The Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT) is the national body that accredits Baccalaureate programs in parks, recreation, tourism, and related professions. The Council consists of ten members who represent the profession, including five educators from accredited institutions, three practitioners, one college/university administrator holding an academic appointment of administrative rank, and one public representative.  

The Council is currently seeking nominations for one (1) At-Large Public Representative, to commence at the conclusion of the Council’s fall 2021 meeting. Individuals are welcome to self-nominate.

Requirement for the At-Large Public Representative:

1. The public representative must be actively involved in the profession (e.g. currently serving on a park and recreation board, foundation, or advisory board)

Council members serve three-year terms and may not serve more than two consecutive full terms.  Council members review Program self-study reports for compliance with standards, review and approve visitation reports, and establish accreditation policies, procedures, and standards. These responsibilities require approximately twenty to fifty hours of commitment each year outside of the annual meeting.  Regular meetings are scheduled quarterly lasting approximately two hours. Additionally, Council holds a virtual spring meeting lasting three to four hours and an annual meeting in the fall lasting one to two days.

Please submit letter of interest and abbreviated CV to by March 15, 2021. 

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